My commitment to Noosa...

Committed to Noosa and its community, I pledge to serve as a dedicated Councillor. My commitment extends to the well-being of both residents and visitors. I am devoted to achieving this by promoting sustainable practices that prioritize the preservation of our pristine environment. With a focus on thoughtful and responsible decision-making, I aim to ensure the enduring appeal of Noosa, making it a place that continues to thrive for current and future generations

My Mission

Residents First

I firmly believe that the heart of any thriving community lies in its residents. Their voices, concerns, and aspirations are the building blocks that shape our collective well-being. As a dedicated advocate, my mission is to ensure that every resident's perspective is not only heard but also valued in every decision-making process.

A voice for the Environment

As a dedicated advocate for our environment, I am committed to preserving our natural surroundings for future generations. I believe in promoting sustainable practices, eco-friendly policies, and fostering community awareness to ensure the lasting vitality of our precious environment.

STA Local Law Reform

Addressing the issue of STA Local Law Reform is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our residential and tourist zones. It's essential to recognise that residential areas are designated for residents, and tourist zones for tourists. The emergence of whole-house hotels as businesses in residential areas poses a threat to the balance and quality of life for our residents. I am committed to advocating for local law reforms that clearly distinguish and protect these distinct zones.

About Fiona Jacobs

Twelve years ago, I left a fulfilling 35-year career as a Registered Nurse in North Queensland and retired to Noosa with my husband. We were drawn to the region's stunning beauty and its surf, which has been a part of our lives for decades.

Since relocating to the Sunshine Coast, I've become a passionate advocate for local issues in Noosa, driven by a deep desire to make a real difference in our community.

In my retirement, after my mother's passing, I became a passionate campaigner for Voluntary Assisted Dying. I founded "Nurses Supporting Voluntary Dying" and played a leading role in achieving its legislation in Queensland in 2021.

I've also actively volunteered for causes that matter to me, including organizations like Katie Rose Cottage, Zonta Noosa, Women Kind, and the Keep Cooloola Cool campaign. I'm dedicated to preserving our natural beauty and unique biosphere.

I come to this role with no conflicts of interest or ties to any commercial entities. I'm not affiliated with any political parties or on the executive of any not-for-profit groups or organisations and don't own any short stay accomodation properties.

As a candidate for Noosa Shire council, I'm committed to using my experience to empower our community, promote sustainability, and protect Noosa's natural beauty. I'm here to be a voice for our residents and ensure our lifestyle remains sustainable and unique.

Together, we can help Noosa thrive while caring for its residents and environment.

Safeguarding our unique way of life.

Safeguarding our unique way of life.

In Noosa, we take pride in our distinctive identity and environment which sets us apart from other coastal towns. Unwavering commitment to preserving our natural beauty has for generations been our distinction. We cherish moments by the river, in the ocean, and exploring our National Parks, sharing warm hospitality with our guests.

However, this charm has led to an oversaturated market, which, unfortunately, brings challenges for long-time residents. The growing popularity of Noosa has put pressure on local businesses and made housing scarce and unaffordable for both workers and residents.

In the next decade, our mission is to ensure the well-being of our residents is the priority while safeguarding our cherished way of life.

Making sound decisions

Noosa Council is one of the largest employers in the Shire, it is important our shire attracts Council staff that are highly qualified and who use evidence based data both qualitative and quantitive data, when making decisions that will affect us going into the future.

Amplifying the Residents’ Influence

To uphold our unique lifestyle, it’s imperative for residents to have a stronger voice. I pledge to act as a bridge between residents and the council. When residents are dissatisfied, it follows that local businesses and tourism also feel the repercussions. Striking a delicate balance is crucial.

Contact Me

Contact me for enquiries regarding my campaign or any questions you have regarding my vision for the Noosa community

Authorised by Harold Jacobs 1/16 Lanyana Way, Noosa Junction 456

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Noosa, Queensland